Step 1

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On March 1, 2025 the entire Global Church is invited to come together at Gather25. You are essential to bringing the Global Church together because you are the Global Church. We hope this overview inspires and empowers you to pray boldly and dream big about your role in Gather25 and reaching those who need Jesus.

If you are a church or ministry and are interested in being a part of Gather25, please fill out this form so that we can better equip you.

Download the Gather25 Overview Guide

Download the guide or read the content below:


In 2025, for 25 hours, the Global Church will gather across six continents for a time of prayer, worship, repentance, and commissioning. Every time zone. Every language. Every denomination. Every generation. Some will gather in churches, some will gather in living rooms, some will gather on campuses, and some will gather in stadiums. But we will all be connected at once, across continents, lifting up a single shout of praise and a single prayer to heaven. This is a moment for every man, woman, and child who follows Jesus!

Mobilize the Church to reach the world, so every person on Earth may know Jesus.

There are 2.5 billion Christians on Earth. What would happen if we all gathered on the same day to pray together, worship together, and repent together? How might the world be changed if each of those 2.5 billion Jesus followers discovered, resolved, and were commissioned into the cause of making Jesus known?

In Matthew 28, Jesus commanded us to “go and make disciples of all nations.” Now, for the first time in history, technology has connected the Global Church in ways that were never before possible. This is an unprecedented moment to invite Christians to gather together for the sake of the gospel and the Great Commission.

For 25 hours, we’ll be led by local and international leaders sharing the stories of what God is doing on each continent. Through captivating storytelling, earnest worship, and powerful prayer, we hope that everyone who attends will leave with a renewed desire to take the gospel to their families, schools, homes, workplaces, and communities.

The goal of Gather25 is to mobilize the 2.5 billion Christians on Earth to participate in the mission of God and to “go and make disciples” of the 5.5 billion people who are not yet believers.


Across the world, we will encourage the Global Church to gather in three primary ways:

Gather Groups:

The vast majority of Gather25 will take place within Gather Groups. A Gather Group is a local gathering, organized by an individual or ministry, aimed at inviting friends, family, and the community to experience Gather25 together in person. These groups may meet in church buildings, living rooms, or other venues. There is no cost to host a Gather Group. If you haven't already, complete this form to receive future information.

At its core, following Jesus has always been centered around experiencing faith within a community of Christians. Participating in a Gather Group allows you the chance to not just engage by yourself, but to worship, pray, and talk with people who can encourage your faith. Technology can help connect us with people all over the world, but there’s no replacement for personal relationships. If we’re going to reach the world with the hope of Jesus, we’re going to do it together.

Gather Live Broadcast Sites:

There will be one major location on each continent that hosts Gather25 speakers and content for a portion of the 25-hour Gather livestream. Programming from each location will stream worldwide. Gather broadcast sites will be listed on our website and announced via email to those who have completed the interest form. Each broadcast site will have a minimal ticket price for in-person attendees.

Gather Livestream:

Gather25 will be accessible for free to any individual in the world. Streaming will be available through Internet, TV, and radio broadcasts across the globe.

Most people will participate in Gather25 through Gather Groups, and we expect each group to look different, based on the host’s local context. We know that leading a group could be a step of faith and obedience for you so we want to give you everything you need to lead well. In the months to come we’ll share ideas about how to host and show you how other Gather Groups are preparing to lead in their communities.

You can create a structure and schedule over the course of the 25 hours that works best for you. Here are a few examples of what some Gather Groups could look like on March 1, 2025, to help you generate ideas for your own Gather Group.

Church Gathering

A church in Romania is participating in Gather25 by gathering in their building in the evening. Their own worship team will lead 30 minutes of live worship. The church will then join the Gather25 livestream for two hours. The pastor of the church will then lead the congregation in a time of prayer for the lost in their city. Church members are encouraged to watch more of the Gather25 livestream from their homes later that evening. In the weeks following Gather25, the pastor has prepared to lead the congregation into an intentional season of prayer. A sermon series and prayer guide have been created and the church will open up their prayer room each weekday at 7 a.m.

Home Gathering

A small group of men and women is gathering in an apartment in Singapore for an early dinner. After dinner, they will watch the last hour of the Gather livestream from Australia, then watch two hours of content from their timezone in Asia. After dinner, they will talk about how they can invite their unbelieving friends to a Bible study starting the next month.

City-wide Gathering

A group of four pastors in Columbia decided to host a Gather Group together in a local community center. Their four congregations will come together throughout the 25 hours to watch the Gather25 livestream, pray, and eat with one another. Following Gather25, the pastors have planned to co-lead a series of evangelism training workshops leading up to an outreach event in their city in the coming months.

Campus Gathering

A group of three campus ministries in the U.S. decided to co-host a Gather Group at their university. They reserve a venue on campus and join the Global Church in gathering together on March 1st. Each campus ministry builds out a separate plan on how to train and mobilize its students to participate in the Great Commission after Gather25.

At Gather25, there will be seven core sessions across continents. Each session will be hosted by a single country, but you can expect to hear stories, teaching, and worship from multiple locations in each session. Check out the latest Gather25 schedule here. This schedule allows everyone to understand how Gather25 will take place in their specific time zone.

The Global Church speaks many languages, so programming will also be in many languages. Our team is utilizing technology to instantly translate the Gather25 livestream into 14 of the world’s major languages (and likely more), enabling you to participate from wherever you are. Communication and resources for Gather25 will also be available in these languages.

Each live broadcast site will initially produce content in the local language of its area; our technology will ensure that these gatherings are instantly accessible in these 14 languages:

  • Arabic
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • English
  • French
  • German
  • Indonesian
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Korean
  • Portuguese
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Spanish

Our prayer is that Gather25 will be a galvanizing moment that propels each Jesus follower who comes to Gather25 to take their place in the story of God and spread the gospel, wherever they are. But this will take all of us!

After gathering for 25 hours, we’ll connect everyone back to local churches, prayer organizations/apps, mission-sending organizations, and Bible translation resources. Our role is to gather the Church, pray with the Church, and then connect the Church back to resources that will support them on a collective mission to reach the world.

Gather25 is here to help you serve your church, ministry, or small group. We hope the excitement of a global gathering will encourage and inspire the people you lead to greater faith and an urgency to see the hope of Jesus shared in your community.

Because no one knows your people better than you, we’re trusting that God will lead you in how best to equip your people to live a life of discipleship and evangelism. Rather than asking you to start a new curriculum or series after Gather25 concludes, our prayer is that Gather25 fuels the work you are already doing to reach those around you.

You may already have discipleship resources that are working well. If you do, we encourage you to use Gather25 as a way to launch others into those resources following the event. Some leaders are using Gather25 as a way to help renew their people’s passion to reach unbelievers. Others are preparing to use the event to launch their church or ministry into a deep season of seeking the Lord in prayer. You have complete freedom to do whatever you feel would be best for your people.

Our hope is that, by participating in Gather25, your community will feel empowered to join in the global mission of reaching the 5.5 billion people who have yet to encounter the gospel.

PLAN - Save the date! Put March 1, 2025, on your calendar and plan to attend. Then start dreaming about what your gathering might look like.

JOIN - Go to and complete this form. If you’re a church, ministry, or organization, you can fill out the interest form as well. We’ll send out regular communication on all of the latest information with resources to help you gather your people.

PRAY - Would you commit to praying for Gather25 and the global Church every day? We’ll send you specific ways you can pray for your city and the world throughout the coming year. For now, will you begin to pray for your role in Gather25? How is God inviting you to participate in this global gathering?

SHARE - This truly won’t be a global gathering of the Church without you and your people. Who needs to know about Gather25? Invite a friend or family member to join you. Give your pastor or ministry leader this overview packet. Invite a missionary you support. Use our free images to share on social media. Help us spread the word that the Global Church is gathering.

We can’t wait. We believe God will do amazing things in and through YOU, His Church.

Let’s Gather.

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:23-25 ESV

Who is Gather25 for?

  • Gather25 is for every man, woman, and child on Earth who follows Jesus.

Who will be on stage at Gather25?

  • Gather25 will be hosted by a combination of internationally recognized leaders and worship teams alongside local leaders and worship teams from each region of the world. All leaders on the stage must affirm our statement of beliefs, which you can read here.

Is this an evangelism event?

  • While the gospel will be presented throughout the 25 hours, Gather25 is not intended to be an outreach event. Instead, it is a gathering of believers, intended to catalyze the Church to take Jesus to the world. We believe the greatest way to reach the world is you. And we’re going to bring you together so that you might be sent out to bring Jesus to the world.

What will happen after Gather25?

  • We know that our role at Gather25 is to gather the Global Church. Because you know the needs of your community and your people best, we believe that the next steps after Gather25 are best decided by you–the leaders on the ground. Many leaders are using Gather25 as a launching pad into a season of evangelism, mission, prayer, or discipleship within the faith communities they lead. As you plan your next steps, we hope that reaching the 5.5 billion people who don’t know Jesus will be at the forefront of your strategy.

Who is behind Gather25?

  • Gather25 is being organized and led by a collection of Christian organizations: IF:Gathering, YouVersion, illumiNations, The Luis Palau Association, Arise Asia, Cru, Jesus Film Project, Revive Europe, Alpha, WEA (World Evangelical Alliance), 24-7 Prayer, Africa New Life, RightNow Media, The Bible Project, Finishing The Task, and many more international ministries and churches. See our growing list of partners on our website. The original vision for Gather25 was cast by Jennie Allen.

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